If we are doing a major repair or renovation to your system, or installing a new system, on a time and materials basis, we charge $70.00 per hour for the forman or technician, and $45.00 per hour for each additional man.
Consulting - we are available for consulting for large projects, commercial jobs, large renovations and problem systems. Our labor rates for this is $90.00 per hour.
Estimates - we do not charge for estimates for new installations. We will look at large repairs or renovations for free if we are assured of doing the work. In almost every case, repairs and renovations are done on a time and materials basis. We will try to give you an estimate of the time it will take to do the job, but ultimately, we charge for the actual time it does take.
Our service department is very busy in May and June for spring turn ons and repairs and in October for winterizing. Please call at least two weeks in advance to schedule your appointment.